There is a Story Everywhere

A red steel vintage Colnago Saronni

I should make that, there is a cycling story everywhere.

Last week, I was working away when a courier driver knocked on the door. At that particular moment, I had samples and design reference everywhere.

He asked what I was doing and I told him.

I asked him whether he rides and this started a whole conversation.

He now only rides once a week but then started to tell me the story of one of his mates who in 1982 or 83 had saved up $4000.00 and bought a Colnago Saronni with Campy record. At the time, he told his mate that he was crazy, as he had just bought a car for $4500.00.

The bike is still in mint condition, It’s hanging on the wall, as art should and is now apparently worth $15k.

That doesn’t sound so crazy to me.

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